Lakeside Podiatry is solely owned and managed by Neil Hall, an experienced podiatrist, delivering over 30 years of foot care to the people of Perth.  


Neil's philosophy is to bring modern methodologies and combine them with an old fashioned, personalised approach to patient care. Neil believes that you need to understand the client in order to properly understand their problem. This means, that with his renowned elevated level of interaction and communication, he is better able to facilitate the treatment for the management process of whatever the patient’s condition might be.




Neil is vastly skilled in surgical management of minor foot conditions such as ingrown toenails and warts. Also, acupuncture and dry needle treatments, shockwave therapy and ultrasound therapy of soft tissue problems.  All clinical and surgical instruments are sterilised in a hospital level manner. 

Click on the boxes below for information about Neil's services.






Happy Feet, Happy You

Neil is very relaxed and friendly while delivering a clearly professional and experienced service.
I highly reccomend Neil’s services. He is very professional, knowledgeable, friendly and explains all treatment options clearly.



HICAPS is available at both clinics. Most health funds cover podiatry but the coverage will vary with each health fund.


Neil offers services for veterans, including treatment, biomechanical assessment, prescription orthotics and footwear referrals.


If you've had a chronic medical condition for at least 6 months or it's terminal, you and your GP can agree to a Chronic Disease Management Plan. Once referred to a podiatrist, you will receive up to 5 visits per year. For more information, visit the Department of Human Services Chronic Disease Management Plans.